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Industrial Textiles Association


Standardization Technical Committees  


CNITA undertakes the responsibilities of the below technical committees


National Mirror Committee (NMC) of ISO/TC 221 (Geosynthetics)    

National Technical Committee on Technical Textiles (SAC/TC 606), China Industrial Textiles Standardization Technical Committee (Responsible for the development and revision of national standards and industry standards).

CNITA Standardization Technical Committee ((Responsible for the development and revision of social organization standards)


Standards of the Industrial Textiles Industry 


60 Published National Standards , and 18 under development

104 Published Industry Standards , and 35 under development

25 Published Social Organization Standards, and 29 under development


For more information, please contact:

Mr. Huang Jingying

Email: huangjingying@cnita.org.cn

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No. 18, Chaoyangmen North Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100020, P.R.China     Tel: +86 10 8522 9474      Fax: +86 10 8522 9425